
Proposal and Report Writing

As market researchers, we love our products, our advanced proprietary methodologies. However, our clients don’t care about “our children.” They want to know how we will help them make decisions about their business, “their children.”


Decision-Oriented Documents

Global Decisions will help your team create proposals tailored to the decisions your clients need to make. They will create presentations in a structured way that leads them to make actionable and viable recommentations –
in a format that even senior management will love!

At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize a decision-oriented model to increase the impact of the documents they write
  • Persuade clients to accept their proposals and act on their recommendations
  • Win, keep and build their business

Topics covered:

  • Clients’ needs and audience analysis
  • U-Path process for transforming data into insights into viable recommendations
  • Applying this process to proposals and reports
  • Creating insightful and impactful presentations
  • Importance of editing
  • Appropriate for all client-facing associates and those involved in report writing and presentation creation
  • All levels can benefit but should have minimum 6 months experience in proposal and/or report writing
  • Optional: Invite your market research client partners so they can understand how they can best help you to help them and how they can increase the prestige of their department!