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Are you getting the most of out of your market research? Realize the full value of your investment with the help of Global Decisions!

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Training Focus Areas arw_lft arw_lft

Data Into Decision

Want to increase your ROI on your syndicated data purchase?

Improve the usage of retail measurement data throughout your company with the training that is the cornerstone of Global Decisions. With this advanced training, built around an analytic “U-Path”, your associates will learn how to better structure analyses to more easily draw conclusions and make decisions. With scanning data, individual courses are available on specific topics such as Distribution, Pricing, Promotion and New Products. Training is also available on consumer panel data.

Category Management

Want to think more strategically about your business?
Want to better utilize information in your dealings with your trading partners?

Learn the concepts and processes necessary to succeed in today’s ever increasing competitive environment. Discover ways to improve your relationships with your trading partners.

Even if you are not practicing “category management,” category management training will benefit associates across your entire organization and help you become a more “retailer focused” company. Different courses are available from Basics to Advanced as well as programs geared towards different functions that will help break down silos and increase cross-functional effectiveness.

Coming in 2016 – Catmania business simulation by Innovate Retail!

Manufacturer / Retailer Interaction

Want to improve your relationship with your clients?
Want ideas for new ways to better help your clients?

Mar-Pro is the new business simulation from Marcel Corstjens, the Unilever-Chaired Professor of Marketing from Insead and the creator of the Storewars business simulation.

In Mar-Pro, manufacturer and retailer teams compete to increase sales and profits using the most appropriate tactics to support their strategies. At the same time, they must build collaborative relationships with their trading partners. Participants play both manufacturer and retailer roles enabling them to empathize with their trading partner and uncover the hidden resources leading to win-win solutions.

In Mar-Pro, combines the simulation with feedback and lectures so participants can see the effects decisions have on business results and work to improve them. Other relevant concepts are taught, enabling participants to try out new ideas when they return to their jobs. The course is run in 2 1/2 days, delivering the learning objectives in a time efficient and cost effective way. Companies already are reporting a ROI due to new joint programs they have created with their trading partners as a result of In

Sales Force

Need to improve your performance in key trading channels?

Sellex ( enables you to win with your customers and increase financial value through consulting and training solutions that help you:

Grow Sales – Category Vision and Model Store development to build the right foundation for your channel/customers and establish the right in-store execution by channel/format.

Strengthen Organization & People – Route-to-market or sales force optimization to drive execution efficiency and a full suite of training for KAM’s and Frontline associates to improve sales capability.

Maximize Net Revenue – Channel/customer pricing and discount terms structure to keep profit in your P&L. Trade promotion management strategy and guidelines, plus fully integrated trade promotion software to optimize ROI.

Supply Chain

Need to take costs out of your business? The supply chain is an easy place to start!

The Supply Chain Foundation (SCF) ) provides certified Supply Chain training programs, including their SCILS computer simulation which can be added to any existing

The scope of the training covers all functions contributing to supplying customers with requested goods or services including Purchasing, Logistics, Operations and Customer Service Management.